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Bugs on 0.6.0. alpha 7

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:03 pm
by Balthazar
Well, since almost all posted bugs seems to be nearly fixed, here`s some new ones.

TA:CC set of resources.


- ARM Construction seaplane flying with only one wing :P
- ARM Missile Frigate shoots longrange missiles without opening the missile silo
- Same missile silo bug seems to take place with ARM Hover Missile launcher
- pressing F12 key make DOUBLE screeenshots instead of one
- using "spawn" command to give AI Metal Makers and Moho metal makers doesn`t brings them on-line. AI just can`t turn them on (I know, AI now is not the main priority, just to note about that).
- Campaigns doesn`t seems to work as they should (sometimes just a black map), but it is too early to talk about campaigns yet :P
- Zooming doesn`t work properly. On small maps zooming doesn`t work at all. On larger maps zooming does work, but if map is not very large zooming out doesn`t brings a strategic view. (With ortographic projection camera mode.)
- Linear Waves appears even if the waves option is off (on the first launch of TA3D).


- invisibility value increase to 60-70% instead of current 50?
- do not make nanolathe particles the more invisible the closer they are to their destination. I suggest just to remove them once they are taking place instantly, without slow dissapearing. (Also suggest to make color of nanolathe similar to player color).

More will be later :P

Re: Bugs on 0.6.0. alpha 7

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:40 pm
by zuzuf
sky bug fixed :)

Re: Bugs on 0.6.0. alpha 7

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:43 pm
by Balthazar
Tryed the first mission in ARM campaign. Map was covered with FOW. When I quit to main menu - game crashes.

Re: Bugs on 0.6.0. alpha 7

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:53 pm
by zuzuf
same nasty win32 specific bug :/. I am going to make a new package with current revision.