Code rewrite

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Code rewrite

Post by Cire » Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:05 pm

Zuff, since we spoke last I begin working more on the key stdafx.h/cpp files that will generate pch file I mentioned about.

Now below is the code that is a rough draft, but should allow other deveopers to request additional headers before we start drawing up finalzation drafts. Keep in mind this will be global throughout the project. We probably want to include a pile more headers, mainly dealing with maths and what not but it should be a good starting point.

Code: Select all

**  File: stdafx.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp will generate a pch file
**         (pre compiled headers), all other cpp files MUST include
**         this file, thier should be no need of any other cpp/h file
**         to include anything within this file.  Its goal is to include
**         everything that should be global to the project, as well
**         as platform specific setups and configurations.

#pragma once

// We probably shoudl think about all the platforms and define these
//   right away so we know what we are working with.  I figure that
//   each platform probably should have a 32 bit/64 bit defination
//   to reduce the chances of standard variable size clashes.

// Cire:
//   I had to setup a pragma on c4312 warnings, because algero include
//     was generating alot of compiler noise.
	#pragma warning( disable : 4312 )

// Cire:
//   The below definations, make it so that we do not need to run fix
//     on allegro, to set proper platform, I'am not entirely sure how
//     other platfroms wana handle this so I just left it as including
//     allgero directly.

// Cire:
//   Since algero include will include windows headers for us, we probably
//    should make sure that when it does it excludes rarely used crap
//    from windows headers.
	#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN

	#include <allegro> // in allegro

// Cire:
//   Since we disabled 4312, we probably should set it back to its
//     default state.
	#pragma warning( default : 4312 )
// Cire:
//   Other platfroms may wish to adjust how allegro is included, for
//   now its this way.
	#include <allegro>

// Cire:
//   Now to include allegro openGL support.
#include <alleggl>

// Cire:
//   Malloc should not be platform specfic right???
#include <malloc>

// Cire:
//   Now lets get stl libs
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

// Cire:
//   The below definations are my way of dealing with 2005 deperation
//   by pretty much redirecting them to proper secure methods.
	#define strcasecmp(x,xx) _stricmp( x, xx )
	#define strcat(x,xx) strcat_s(x, sizeof(x), xx )
	#define strdup(x) _strdup( x )

	// 64-bit ints, guaranteed to be 8 bytes in size
	typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
	typedef signed   __int64 sint64;

	// 32-bit ints, guaranteed to be 4 bytes in size
    typedef unsigned __int32  uint32;
    typedef signed __int32    sint32;

	// 16-bit ints, guaranteed to be 2 bytes in size
    typedef unsigned __int16  uint16;
    typedef signed __int16    sint16;

	// 8-bit ints, guaranteed to be 1 byte in size
    typedef unsigned __int8   uint8;
    typedef signed __int8     sint8;
#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_LINUX

#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_MAC

	#error TA3D: platform is unkown, please fix by defining correct platform in stdafx.h

// Cire:
//   string and wstring typedefs to make life easier.
typedef std::string  String;
typedef std::wstring WString;

Feeback welcome.


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Post by Cire » Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:11 pm

odd, thier are .h on some of those includes, with the exception of where it inlcudes 'stl', when i submit it seems to be stripping them.

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Post by EvanR » Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:02 pm

So in the platform specific parts of netcode I should use the directive #ifdef TA3D_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ?

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Post by Cire » Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:34 pm

Yes, but I may move platform defination into a .h file itself. StdAfx.h shouln't be included in any other .h files, but rather into cpp files, thus if u needed to check def in a .h file it might cause issues.

In fact thats probably a smart idea. We'll call it Ta3DPlatform.h with a signal #paragma once, and some #define/undef to specifiy platform.

As I said that way other .h files can include these and decide what it may or may not need to include/define/whatever for that part of thier code.


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Post by EvanR » Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:52 pm

Ok so I do use that directive, but I will have to include TA3DPlatform.h for the definition.

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Post by Cire » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:29 pm

Here is an updated stdafx.h file. please remember that in order for pch to work correctly every cpp file MUST include this!

Code: Select all

**  File: stdafx.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp will generate a pch file
**         (pre compiled headers), all other cpp files MUST include
**         this file, thier should be no need of any other cpp/h file
**         to include anything within this file.  Its goal is to include
**         everything that should be global to the project, as well
**         as platform specific setups and configurations.

#pragma once

// First things first is we will need to know what platform we are building for.
#include "TA3D_Platform.h"

// Cire:
//   I had to setup a pragma on c4312 warnings, because algero include
//     was generating alot of compiler noise.
	#pragma warning( disable : 4312 )

// Cire:
//   The below definations, make it so that we do not need to run fix
//     on allegro, to set proper platform, I'am not entirely sure how
//     other platfroms wana handle this so I just left it as including
//     allgero directly.

// Cire:
//   Since algero include will include windows headers for us, we probably
//    should make sure that when it does it excludes rarely used crap
//    from windows headers.
	#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN

	#include <allegro> // in allegro

// Cire:
//   Since we disabled 4312, we probably should set it back to its
//     default state.
	#pragma warning( default : 4312 )
// Cire:
//   Other platfroms may wish to adjust how allegro is included, for
//   now its this way.
	#include <allegro>

// Cire:
//   Now to include allegro openGL support.
#include <alleggl>

// Cire:
//   Malloc should not be platform specfic right???
#include <malloc>

// Cire:
//   The below definations are my way of dealing with 2005 deperation
//   by pretty much redirecting them to proper secure methods, kludgy i know but
//   it works.
	#define strcasecmp(x,xx) _stricmp( x, xx )
	#define strcat(x,xx) strcat_s(x, sizeof(x), xx )
	#define strdup(x) _strdup( x )

Below is the file that can be included in .h files. It will enable you to use special variable typedefs which should be used. The idea is to elimiate code like 'int x = 3;' Main reason is that 32/64 bit platforms have various size issues with int. Its very important, especially when networking come into play.

Code: Select all

**  File: TA3D_Platform.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: Defines the type of platform that we are compling the executable for
**           I placed this here so that .h files may include it should they need to
**           do anything that requires them to see what type of platform we are working
**           with.
**         Since this is included within stdafx.h, and all cpp files MUST include
**           stdafx.h, there should be no need to directly include this within cpp files.
**         This file also specifies variable types, which might be size related.  It prevents
**           any clashes or at least it should.  All other files should use these at all
**           times when possible.
**         Finally this file also includes stl libs for cstdio, cstdlib, and string which
**           probably will be common in many .h files.
#pragma once

// Cire:
//   We probably should  think about all the platforms and define these
//     right away so we know what we are working with.  I figure that
//     each platform probably should have a 32 bit/64 bit defination
//     to reduce the chances of standard variable size clashes.  The exception
//     is windows because it has 'specific' m$ variable types which will prevent
//     an size issues.

	// 64-bit ints, guaranteed to be 8 bytes in size
	typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
	typedef signed   __int64 sint64;

	// 32-bit ints, guaranteed to be 4 bytes in size
    typedef unsigned __int32  uint32;
    typedef signed __int32    sint32;

	// 16-bit ints, guaranteed to be 2 bytes in size
    typedef unsigned __int16  uint16;
    typedef signed __int16    sint16;

	// 8-bit ints, guaranteed to be 1 byte in size
    typedef unsigned __int8   uint8;
    typedef signed __int8     sint8;

	typedef unsigned __int8	  byte;
#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_LINUX

#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_MAC

	#error TA3D: platform is unkown, please fix by defining correct platform in TA3D_Platform.h

// Cire:
//   Now lets get stl libs
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

// Cire:
//   string and wstring typedefs to make life easier.
typedef std::string  String;
typedef std::wstring WString;

// Cire:
//   Since byte seems to be common throughout the project we'll typedef here.
typedef uint8		  byte;
Note that the editor likes to strip off .h off includes, only the files cstdio, cstdlib, and string do not contain .h extentions.


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Post by Cire » Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:46 pm

Updated final version of TA3D_Platform.h

Code: Select all

**  File: TA3D_Platform.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: Defines the type of platform that we are compling the executable for
**           I placed this here so that .h files may include it should they need to
**           do anything that requires them to see what type of platform we are working
**           with.
**         Since this is included within stdafx.h, and all cpp files MUST include
**           stdafx.h, there should be no need to directly include this within cpp files.
**         This file also specifies variable types, which might be size related.  It prevents
**           any clashes or at least it should.  All other files should use these at all
**           times when possible.
**         Finally this file also includes stl libs for cstdio, cstdlib, and string which
**           probably will be common in many .h files.
#pragma once

// Cire:
//   We probably should  think about all the platforms and define these
//     right away so we know what we are working with.  I figure that
//     each platform probably should have a 32 bit/64 bit defination
//     to reduce the chances of standard variable size clashes.  The exception
//     is windows because it has 'specific' m$ variable types which will prevent
//     an size issues.

	// 64-bit ints. please note that these are NOT very portable, mainly in the
	// stuff you can do with them (aside from standard arithmetic operators) or
	// how they are stored. only use them if you REALLY need really big numbers!
	// For example, in Win32 (at least w/ VC++6) you can not type-cast from a
	// unsigned __int64 (uint64) to a double. You can only use a signed __int64
	// (sint64). The Intel compiler does not have this problem.
	typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
	typedef signed   __int64 sint64;

	// 32-bit ints, guaranteed to be 4 bytes in size
    typedef unsigned __int32  uint32;
    typedef signed __int32    sint32;

	// 16-bit ints, guaranteed to be 2 bytes in size
    typedef unsigned __int16  uint16;
    typedef signed __int16    sint16;

	// 8-bit ints, guaranteed to be 1 byte in size
    typedef unsigned __int8   uint8;
    typedef signed __int8     sint8;

	typedef unsigned __int8	  byte;
#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_LINUX

#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_MAC

	#error TA3D: platform is unkown, please fix by defining correct platform in TA3D_Platform.h

// Cire:
//   Now lets get stl libs
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

// Cire:
//   string and wstring typedefs to make life easier.
typedef std::string  String;
typedef std::wstring WString;

// Cire:
//   Since byte seems to be common throughout the project we'll typedef here.
typedef uint8		  byte;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef signed char   schar;

// Common math related macros
// Pi, our favorite number
#undef PI
#define PI          3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105

// Square root of 2
#undef SQRT2
#define SQRT2       1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948

// Square root of 2 over 2
#undef SQRT2OVER2
#define SQRT2OVER2  0.707106781186547524400844362104849039284835937688474

// Square root of 3
#undef SQRT3
#define SQRT3       1.732050807568877293527446341505872366942805253810381

// Square root of 3 over 2
#undef SQRT3OVER2
#define SQRT3OVER2  0.866025403784438646763723170752936183471402626905190

// The natural number "e"
#undef NAT_E
#define NAT_E       2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959

// Some useful math and template functions
static __forceinline float  Deg2Rad (float Deg)  { return (Deg * 0.017453292f); }
static __forceinline double Deg2Rad (double Deg) { return (Deg * 0.017453292);  }
static __forceinline float  Rad2Deg (float Rad)  { return (Rad * 57.29578122f); }
static __forceinline double Rad2Deg (double Rad) { return (Rad * 57.29578122);  }

// Min/max macros.
// Normally #defined by a Win32 header file
#define min(a,b) (((a) <b> (b)) ? (a) : (b))

template<class> static void Swap (T &a, T &b)
    T temp;
    temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

// bit field mask operation macros
template<class> static void SetMask (T &var, T &mask)
    var |= mask;

template<class> static void UnsetMask (T &var, T &mask)
    var |= ~mask;

// ordinal bit manipulation macros  (least significant bit = bit "0")
template<class> static T Bit (T &bit)
    return (1 << bit);

template<class> static void SetBit (T &var, T &bit)
    return (SetMask (var, Bit(bit)));

template<class> static void UnsetBit (T &var, T &bit)
    return (UnsetMask (var, Bit(bit)));

// Returns -1/1/0 for sign of a variable
template<class> static T Sign (T x)
    if (x > 0)
        return (1);
    if ( x < 0)
        return (-1);
    return (0);

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Post by zuzuf » Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:57 pm

ok, I will test that, but Allegro already provides ALLEGRO_LINUX, ALLEGRO_WINDOWS, ... which indicates the platform, the CPU type, ... so we could use it to autodetect the right TA3D_PLATFORM_...
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Post by Cire » Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:31 pm

That is true but, as the project develops into the more seirous aspects, some platforms may wish to 'drop' use of allegro all together and provide thier own mechanics for handlers. So its always best case to define and use these on our own. I have many updated fiels that I would like to submit to you later tonight.

As I just walked in the door and am getting ready for supper and all, I would like to meet with you later tonight on irc or tommorow if you havn't got time tonight.


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Post by zuzuf » Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:54 pm

ok for tomorrow, i think i am going to bed now ...
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Post by Cire » Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:48 pm

Ok i'am here, got called to the office today, so will need about an hour to finish up this hpi rewrite, if your around I'd like to get together on IRC and what not as soon as your around just reply to this and i'll catch you on irc.

PS, I did alittle research for precompiled headers on linux, and it does work, but you will need at least gcc 3.4 i believe it is. But it will require us to use an opening on all files slightly differently. You will also need to compile stdafx.cpp with -x option, if i read it right, i only skimmed it so you will need to research further.

Normally in all other cpp files i use..
#include "stdafx.h"
where u need to use
#include "stdafx.h.gch"

There should be a more efficent way but as I said i just briefly researched it you know alot more about your ocmpiler then I do.

Worse case scenario I'll add a 'VCWIN' project opion so you won't need to add anything but... the include like above except we need to modify the code slightly to look like
#ifndef VCWIN
#include "stdafx.h.gch"
#include "stdafx.h"


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Post by Cire » Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:13 am

Here are some recent updated versions of some code:

Starting with TA3D_Platform.h

Code: Select all

**  File: TA3D_Platform.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: Defines the type of platform that we are compling the executable for
**           I placed this here so that .h files may include it should they need to
**           do anything that requires them to see what type of platform we are working
**           with.
**         Since this is included within stdafx.h, and all cpp files MUST include
**           stdafx.h, there should be no need to directly include this within cpp files.
**         This file also specifies variable types, which might be size related.  It prevents
**           any clashes or at least it should.  All other files should use these at all
**           times when possible.
**         Finally this file also includes stl libs for cstdio, cstdlib, and string which
**           probably will be common in many .h files.
#pragma once

// Cire:
//   We probably should  think about all the platforms and define these
//     right away so we know what we are working with.  I figure that
//     each platform probably should have a 32 bit/64 bit defination
//     to reduce the chances of standard variable size clashes.  The exception
//     is windows because it has 'specific' m$ variable types which will prevent
//     an size issues.

	// 64-bit ints. please note that these are NOT very portable, mainly in the
	// stuff you can do with them (aside from standard arithmetic operators) or
	// how they are stored. only use them if you REALLY need really big numbers!
	// For example, in Win32 (at least w/ VC++6) you can not type-cast from a
	// unsigned __int64 (uint64) to a double. You can only use a signed __int64
	// (sint64). The Intel compiler does not have this problem.
	typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
	typedef signed   __int64 sint64;

	// 32-bit ints, guaranteed to be 4 bytes in size
	typedef unsigned __int32  uint32;
	typedef signed __int32    sint32;

	// 16-bit ints, guaranteed to be 2 bytes in size
	typedef unsigned __int16  uint16;
	typedef signed __int16    sint16;

	// 8-bit ints, guaranteed to be 1 byte in size
	typedef unsigned __int8   uint8;
	typedef signed __int8     sint8;
#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_LINUX

#elif defined TA3D_PLATFORM_MAC

	#error TA3D: platform is unkown, please fix by defining correct platform in TA3D_Platform.h

// Cire:
//   Now lets get stl libs
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>

// Cire:
//   string and wstring typedefs to make life easier.
typedef std::string  String;
typedef std::wstring WString;

// Cire:
//   Since byte seems to be common throughout the project we'll typedef here.
typedef uint8		  byte;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef signed char   schar;

// Floating point types, defined for consistencies sakes.
typedef float  real32;
typedef double real64;

// Common math related macros
// Pi, our favorite number
#undef PI
#define PI          3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105

// Square root of 2
#undef SQRT2
#define SQRT2       1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948

// Square root of 2 over 2
#undef SQRT2OVER2
#define SQRT2OVER2  0.707106781186547524400844362104849039284835937688474

// Square root of 3
#undef SQRT3
#define SQRT3       1.732050807568877293527446341505872366942805253810381

// Square root of 3 over 2
#undef SQRT3OVER2
#define SQRT3OVER2  0.866025403784438646763723170752936183471402626905190

// The natural number "e"
#undef NAT_E
#define NAT_E       2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959

// Some useful math and template functions
static __forceinline float  Deg2Rad (float Deg)  { return (Deg * 0.017453292f); }
static __forceinline double Deg2Rad (double Deg) { return (Deg * 0.017453292);  }
static __forceinline float  Rad2Deg (float Rad)  { return (Rad * 57.29578122f); }
static __forceinline double Rad2Deg (double Rad) { return (Rad * 57.29578122);  }

// Min/max macros.
// Normally #defined by a Win32 header file
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

template<class T> static void Swap (T &a, T &b)
	T temp;
	temp = a;
	a = b;
	b = temp;

// bit field mask operation macros
template<class T> static void SetMask (T &var, T &mask)
	var |= mask;

template<class T> static void UnsetMask (T &var, T &mask)
	var |= ~mask;

// ordinal bit manipulation macros  (least significant bit = bit "0")
template<class T> static T Bit (T &bit)
	return (1 << bit);

template<class T> static void SetBit (T &var, T &bit)
	return (SetMask (var, Bit(bit)));

template<class T> static void UnsetBit (T &var, T &bit)
	return (UnsetMask (var, Bit(bit)));

// Returns -1/1/0 for sign of a variable
template<class T> static T Sign (T x)
	if( x > 0 )
		return (1);
	else if( x < 0 )
		return (-1);

	return (0);
Next stdAfx.h, it is to be compiled under linux with -x option (It will generate Precompiled headers (PCH). It is to be the FIRST include in every cpp file. It also has the very first openings of our namespace for TA3D, with some constants contains for variable min/max, as well as a few utility functions, which may be moved later to a utils namespace, and within its own file.

Code: Select all

**  File: stdafx.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp will generate a pch file
**         (pre compiled headers), all other cpp files MUST include
**         this file, thier should be no need of any other cpp/h file
**         to include anything within this file.  Its goal is to include
**         everything that should be global to the project, as well
**         as platform specific setups and configurations.

#pragma once

// First things first is we will need to know what platform we are building for.
#include "TA3D_Platform.h"

// Cire:
//   I had to setup a pragma on c4312 warnings, because algero include
//     was generating alot of compiler noise.
	#pragma warning( disable : 4312 )

// Cire:
//   The below definations, make it so that we do not need to run fix
//     on allegro, to set proper platform, I'am not entirely sure how
//     other platfroms wana handle this so I just left it as including
//     allgero directly.

// Cire:
//   Since algero include will include windows headers for us, we probably
//    should make sure that when it does it excludes rarely used crap
//    from windows headers.
	#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN

	#include <allegro.h> // in allegro

// Cire:
//   Since we disabled 4312, we probably should set it back to its
//     default state.
	#pragma warning( default : 4312 )
// Cire:
//   Other platfroms may wish to adjust how allegro is included, for
//   now its this way.
	#include <allegro.h>

// Cire:
//   Now to include allegro openGL support.
#include <alleggl.h>

// Cire:
//   Malloc should not be platform specfic right???
#include <malloc.h>

// Cire:
//   The below definations are my way of dealing with 2005 deperation
//   by pretty much redirecting them to proper secure methods, kludgy i know but
//   it works.
	#define strcasecmp(x,xx) _stricmp( x, xx )
	#define strcat(x,xx) strcat_s(x, sizeof(x), xx )
	#define strdup(x) _strdup( x )
	#define vsprintf(x,xx,xxx) vsprintf_s( x, sizeof(x), xx, xxx )

namespace TA3D
	// Some useful string manipulation routines
	static String Lowercase( const String &sstring )
		String Return;

		Return.resize (sstring.length());
		for( uint32 i = 0; i < sstring.length(); i++)
			Return[i] = tolower (sstring[i]);

		return (Return);

	static String Uppercase( const String &sstring )
		String Return;

		Return.resize (sstring.length());
		for( uint32 i = 0; i < sstring.length(); i++)
			Return[i] = toupper (sstring[i]);

		return (Return);

	// Now that the types are defined, create min/max constants
	const uint64 uint64max =  0xffffffffffffffff;
	const uint64 uint64min =                   0;
	const sint64 sint64max =  0x7fffffffffffffff;
	const sint64 sint64min = (-9223372036854775807i64 - 1);

	const uint32 uint32max =  0xffffffff;
	const uint32 uint32min =           0;
	const sint32 sint32max =  0x7fffffff;
	const sint32 sint32min = (-2147483647i32 - 1);

	const uint16 uint16max =  0xffff;
	const uint16 uint16min =       0;
	const sint16 sint16max =  0x7fff;
	const sint16 sint16min = -0x8000;

	const uint8  uint8max  =  0xff;
	const uint8  uint8min  =     0;
	const sint8  sint8max  =  0x7f;
	const sint8  sint8min  = -0x80;

	const uchar  ucharmax  =  0xff;
	const uchar  ucharmin  =     0;
	const schar  scharmax  =  0x7f;
	const schar  scharmin  = -0x80;
} // namespace TA3D
Next up stdafx.cpp, it does nothing but really include stdafx.h and possibly any other global headers, compile with -x option under gcc linux, vc should set this file to generate pch via stdafx.h.

Code: Select all

**  File: stdafx.cpp
** Notes:
**   Cire: stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp will generate a pch file
**         (pre compiled headers). Its goal is to include
**         everything that should be global to the project, as well
**         as platform specific setups and configurations.

#include "stdafx.h"
Next we have an error handling module. (unfinished, needs reference to a global debugger, which we will add soon.


Code: Select all

**  File: TA3D_Exception.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: This file should be used to handle errors.  It is rather simple to use and
**           provides methods for tossing an exception and figuring out where it came
**           from, as well as who it went through.
**         To guard a block of code, with the error to be caught by anybody higher-up:
**           guard (Action);
**              ...
**           unguard;
**         If something happens between the guard and unguard, someone will eventually
**           catch it and display an error, or act on it.
**         To catch errors from lower blocks of code, do as above but put catches in
**            for uchar*, cException*, and any other types (including ...) that you
**            need.
#pragma once

namespace TA3D
	namespace EXCEPTION
		// prototypes: internal use only.
		extern void		IncrementIndent(void);
		extern void		DecrementIndent(void);
		extern uint32	GetIndentLevel(void);

		// Use this to throw a nice, more useful debugging string
		// Be sure to SetExceptionStatus (false) if you handle an exception.
		// Don't worry about manually setting it to true though.
		extern void __cdecl ThrowFatal( const char *Format, ... );

		extern  bool IsExceptionInProgress (void);
		extern  void SetExceptionStatus (bool E);

		#ifdef DEBUG
			extern void __cdecl GlobalDebuggerPrintf( const char *Format, ... );
			#define dprintf GlobalDebuggerPrintf
			#define dprintf //

		// In debug builds, let unhandled errors (referencing bad pointer, etc.) crash
		// and give us debugger control. Otherwise, for release builds, give us a
		// stack trace. This is used in the unguard macro below.
		#ifdef DEBUG
					catch (...) \
					{ \
						DecrementIndent (); \
						dprintf ("Tossing Unhandled Exception (%s)\n", __GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__); \
						SetExceptionStatus (true); \
						throw (new cException (__GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__, "Unhandled Exception"));\

		// Used for both debug and release builds
		#define guard(name) \
			{ \
				static char *__GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__ = #name; \
				dprintf ("Guard:   %s\n", __GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__); \
				IncrementIndent (); \
				try \

		// Don't need to use this if using unguard. Use this if using
		// guardcatch, et. al.
		#define guardend \
				DecrementIndent (); \
				dprintf ("Unguard: %s\n", __GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__); \

#define unguard \
        } \
        catch (cException *E) \
        { \
            E->AddTosser (__GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__); \
            DecrementIndent (); \
            dprintf ("Tossing exception higher (%s)\n", __GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__); \
            SetExceptionStatus (true); \
            throw (E); \
        } \
        catch (string ErrorName) \
        { \
            DecrementIndent (); \
            dprintf ("Tossing string higher as exception (%s)\n", __GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__); \
            SetExceptionStatus (true); \
            throw (new cException (__GUARD__BLOCK__NAME__, ErrorName)); \
        } \

	// Use if you want to handle ExceptionD yourself
	#define guardcatch(varname) \
        } \
        catch (cException *varname) \

		#define sguard(a) guard(a)
		#define sunguard unguard
		#define sguard(a)
		#define sunguard

	// Convenience macro
	#define SAFETRY(cmd) { guard (cmd); cmd; unguard; }

	// Will eat any exceptions caused by a piece of code
	#define IMPUNITY(cmd) { try { cmd; } catch (...) { } }

	// Disable exception handling and save executable size (and speed?)
	#ifdef TA3D_NOGUARD
		#undef guard
		#define guard(x)

		#undef unguard
		#define unguard

		#undef guardend
		#define guardend

		#undef guardcatch
		#define guardcatch(varname) cException *varname = NULL; if (false)
	#endif // TA3D_NOGUARD

		// The actual exception class
		class cException
			cException( const String _Instigator, const String _ErrorName )
				Instigator = _Instigator;
				ErrorName = _ErrorName;
				TossList = "";

			void AddTosser( const String Tosser )
				TossList += " <- " + Tosser;

			const String GetInstigator (void)  { return (Instigator); }
			const String GetTossList   (void)  { return (TossList);   }
			const String GetErrorName  (void)  { return (ErrorName);  }

			String Instigator;
			String TossList;
			String ErrorName;
		}; // class cException
	} // namespace EXCEPTION
} // namespace TA3D
and the cpp file TA3D_Exception.cpp

Code: Select all

**  File: TA3D_Exception.cpp
** Notes:
**   Cire: See notes in TA3D_Exception.h
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "TA3D_Exception.h"

namespace TA3D
	namespace EXCEPTION
		static bool ExceptionStatus = false;
		static uint32 IndentLevel = 0;

		bool IsExceptionInProgress (void)
			return (ExceptionStatus);

		void SetExceptionStatus (bool E)
			ExceptionStatus = E;

		void IncrementIndent (void)

		void DecrementIndent (void)
			if (IndentLevel != 0)


		uint32 GetIndentLevel (void)
			return (IndentLevel);

		void __cdecl ThrowFatal( const char *Format, ... )
			char    Buffer[2000];
			String  BufferToss;
			va_list marker;

			va_start (marker, Format);
			vsprintf (Buffer, Format, marker);
			va_end (marker);

			dprintf ("Throwing error string -> %s\n", Buffer);
			BufferToss = String(Buffer);
			SetExceptionStatus (true);
			throw (BufferToss);


		// TODO: output to global debugger.
		void __cdecl GlobalDebuggerPrintf (const char *Format, ...)
			char    Buffer[2000];
			va_list marker;

		//	if (GlobalDebugger == NULL)
		//		return;

			va_start (marker, Format);
			vsprintf (Buffer, Format, marker);
			va_end (marker);

		//	GlobalDebugger->DebugPrintf (Buffer);

	} // namespace EXCEPTION
} // namespace TA3D
Finally new HPI handler code, begining with

Code: Select all

**  File: TA3D_hpi.h
** Notes:
**   Cire: The original author of most of this code is Joe D, aka Kingbot
**           I modified it to be more complain with C++ as it was mostly
**           C based.  I wrapped it neatly in a class, and exposed only
**           those methods that the game engine need to access.
**         TODO: If this is to be accessed by multiple threads it should be
**           rewritten as it currently can not handle multiple calls.
**               HPIITEM might be expanded to keep a reference track of
**           how many times it gets asked to decode some file, if it
**           reaches some point it might just keep that 'data' in its
**           self and return it instead of having to decode each time.

#pragma once

namespace TA3D
	namespace UTILS
		namespace HPI
			#define HEX_HAPI 0x49504148
			#define HPI_V1 0x00010000

			#ifndef MAX_PATH
				#define MAX_PATH 260
			class cHPIHandler
			// Member Declarations:
				#pragma pack(1) // Byte alignment.

				struct HPIVERSION 
					sint32 HPIMarker; /* Must be HEX_HAPI */
					sint32 Version;   /* Must be HPI_V1 */

				struct HPIHEADER 
					sint32 DirectorySize; /* Directory size */
					sint32 Key;           /* Decode key */
					sint32 Start;         /* Directory offset */

				struct HPIENTRY 
					sint32 NameOffset;
					sint32 CountOffset;
					sint8 Flag;

				struct HPICHUNK 
					sint32 Marker;           /* always 0x48535153 (SQSH) */
					sint8  Unknown1;         /* I have no idea what these mean */
					sint8  CompMethod;       /* 1 = lz77, 2 = zlib */
					sint8  Encrypt;          /* Is the chunk encrypted? */
					sint32 CompressedSize;   /* the length of the compressed data */
					sint32 DecompressedSize; /* the length of the decompressed data */
					sint32 Checksum;         /* check sum */

				struct HPIFILEDATA 
					sint8		Key;
					std::string HPIFileName;
					sint8		*Directory;
					FILE		*HPIFile;

				struct HPIITEM 
				  HPIFILEDATA	*hfd;
				  HPIENTRY		*E1;
				  sint32		IsDir;
				  sint8			*Name;
				  sint32		Size;
				#pragma pack()

			// Member Functions:
				void AddArchive( const std::string &FileName );
				void LocateAndReadFiles( const std::string &Path, const std::string &FileSearch );
				void ProcessRoot( HPIFILEDATA *hfd, const std::string &StartPath, sint32 offset );
				void ProcessSubDir( HPIITEM *hi );

				void *GetMem( sint32 size, sint32 zero );
				sint32  ReadAndDecrypt( sint32 fpos, byte *buff, sint32 buffsize );
				sint32 ZLibDecompress( byte *out, byte *in, HPICHUNK *Chunk );
				sint32 LZ77Decompress( byte *out, byte *in, HPICHUNK *Chunk );
				sint32 Decompress( byte *out, byte *in, HPICHUNK *Chunk );
				void CloseTheFile( HPIFILEDATA *hfd );
				void cHPIHandler::CloseCurrentFile( void );
				byte *cHPIHandler::DecodeFileToMem( HPIITEM *hi );

				void SearchDirForArchives( const std::string &Path );

				// constructors:
				cHPIHandler::cHPIHandler() { HPIInfo=NULL; }
				cHPIHandler::cHPIHandler( const std::string &Path  ) 
					SearchDirForArchives( Path );

				// DeConstructor

				void ShowArchive(); // for debug only we don't need it.
				unsigned char * PullFromHPI( const std::string &FileName );

				// Member Variables:
				std::string cDir;
				typedef std::map< std::string, HPIITEM *> HPIARCHIVE;
				HPIARCHIVE m_Archive;
			}; // class cHPIHandler;
		} // namespace HPI
	} // namespace utils
} // namespace TA3D
Now the TA3D_hpp.cpp, please note that while this is useable it is NOT finished, there are several memory leaks in it. Also since I last changed it to use 'size' specific types in platforms I havn't tested it to see if it functions correctly, a bit of debugging may be needed.


Code: Select all

**  File: TA3D_hpi.cpp
** Notes:
**   Cire: See notes in TA3D_hpp.h

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TA3D_hpi.h"

	#include "tools/win32/include/zlib.h"
	#pragma comment(lib, "tools/win32/libs/zlib.lib")
// otherplatform includes for zlib.

using namespace std;
using namespace TA3D;
using namespace TA3D::UTILS::HPI;

void * cHPIHandler::GetMem( sint32 size, sint32 zero )
  void *result;

  if( zero )
     result = calloc( size, 1 );
     result = malloc( size );

  if( !result )
	   GlobalDebugger->Failed to alloc memory for hpi
  return result; 

int  cHPIHandler::ReadAndDecrypt( sint32 fpos, byte *buff, sint32 buffsize)
	sint32 count, tkey, result;
	fseek(HPIInfo->HPIFile, fpos, SEEK_SET);

	result = (sint32)fread(buff, buffsize, 1, HPIInfo->HPIFile);

	if (HPIInfo->Key)
		for (count = 0; count < buffsize; count++) 
			tkey = (fpos + count) ^ HPIInfo->Key;
			buff[count] = tkey ^ ~buff[count];

	return result;

int cHPIHandler::ZLibDecompress( byte *out, byte *in, HPICHUNK *Chunk)
	z_stream zs;
	sint32 result;
	zs.next_in = in;
	zs.avail_in = Chunk->CompressedSize;
	zs.total_in = 0;
	zs.next_out = out;
	zs.avail_out = Chunk->DecompressedSize;
	zs.total_out = 0;
	zs.msg = NULL;
	zs.state = NULL;
	zs.zalloc = Z_NULL;
	zs.zfree = Z_NULL;
	zs.opaque = NULL;
	zs.data_type = Z_BINARY;
	zs.adler = 0;
	zs.reserved = 0;
	result = inflateInit(&zs);
	if (result != Z_OK) {
		//printf("Error on inflateInit %d\nMessage: %s\n", result, zs.msg);
		return 0;
	result = inflate(&zs, Z_FINISH);
	if (result != Z_STREAM_END) {
		//printf("Error on inflate %d\nMessage: %s\n", result, zs.msg);
		zs.total_out = 0;
	result = inflateEnd(&zs);
	if (result != Z_OK) {
		//printf("Error on inflateEnd %d\nMessage: %s\n", result, zs.msg);
		return 0;
	return zs.total_out;

sint32 cHPIHandler::LZ77Decompress( byte *out, byte *in, HPICHUNK *Chunk)
	sint32 x, work1, work2, work3, inptr, outptr, done, DPtr;
	schar DBuff[4096];
	done = 0;
	inptr = 0;
	outptr = 0;
	work1 = 1;
	work2 = 1;
	work3 = in[inptr++];
	while (!done) 
		if ((work2 & work3) == 0) 
			out[outptr++] = in[inptr];
			DBuff[work1] = in[inptr];
			work1 = (work1 + 1) & 0xFFF;
		{ int
			count = *((uint16 *) (in+inptr));
			inptr += 2;
			DPtr = count >> 4;
			if (DPtr == 0) 
				return outptr;
				count = (count & 0x0f) + 2;
				if (count >= 0) 
					for (x = 0; x < count; x++) 
						out[outptr++] = DBuff[DPtr];
						DBuff[work1] = DBuff[DPtr];
						DPtr = (DPtr + 1) & 0xFFF;
						work1 = (work1 + 1) & 0xFFF;
		work2 *= 2;
		if (work2 & 0x0100) 
			work2 = 1;
			work3 = in[inptr++];
	return outptr;

sint32 cHPIHandler::Decompress( byte *out, byte *in, HPICHUNK *Chunk )
	sint32 x, Checksum;
	Checksum = 0;
	for (x = 0; x < Chunk->CompressedSize; x++) {
		Checksum += (byte) in[x];
		if (Chunk->Encrypt)
			in[x] = (in[x] - x) ^ x;
	if (Chunk->Checksum != Checksum) 
		// GlobalDebugger-> Checksum error! Calculated: 0x%X  Actual: 0x%X\n", Checksum, Chunk->Checksum);
		return 0;
	switch (Chunk->CompMethod) {
	case 1 : return LZ77Decompress(out, in, Chunk);
	case 2 : return ZLibDecompress(out, in, Chunk);
	default : return 0;

byte *cHPIHandler::DecodeFileToMem(HPIITEM *hi)
	sint32 DeCount,DeLen, x, WriteSize, WritePtr, Offset, Length, FileFlag, *DeSize;
	byte *DeBuff, *WriteBuff;

	if (!hi)
		return NULL;
	Entry = hi->E1;
	Offset = *((sint32 *) (HPIInfo->Directory + Entry->CountOffset));
	Length = *((sint32 *) (HPIInfo->Directory + Entry->CountOffset + 4));
	FileFlag = *(HPIInfo->Directory + Entry->CountOffset + 8);
	WriteBuff = (byte *)GetMem(Length+1, 0);
	if (!WriteBuff) 
		// NO NEED to global deubber this, get meme shoulda done it for us.
		return NULL;
	WriteBuff[Length] = 0;
	if (FileFlag) {
		DeCount = Length / 65536;
		if (Length % 65536)
		DeLen = DeCount * sizeof(sint32);
		DeSize = (sint32 *)GetMem(DeLen, 0);
		ReadAndDecrypt(Offset, (byte *) DeSize, DeLen);
		Offset += DeLen;
		WritePtr = 0;
		for (x = 0; x < DeCount; x++) {
			Chunk = (HPICHUNK *)GetMem(DeSize[x], 0);
			ReadAndDecrypt(Offset, (byte *) Chunk, DeSize[x]);
			Offset += DeSize[x];
			DeBuff = (byte *) (Chunk+1);
			WriteSize = Decompress(WriteBuff+WritePtr, DeBuff, Chunk);
			WritePtr += WriteSize;
	else {
		// file not compressed
		ReadAndDecrypt(Offset, WriteBuff, Length);
	return WriteBuff;

void cHPIHandler::CloseTheFile(HPIFILEDATA *hfd)
	if (!hfd)
	if (hfd->Directory) 
		hfd->Directory = NULL;

	if (hfd->HPIFile)

	hfd->HPIFile = NULL;

void cHPIHandler::CloseCurrentFile( void )
	if (HPIInfo)

void cHPIHandler::ProcessSubDir( HPIITEM *hi )
	sint32 *FileCount, *FileLength, *EntryOffset, *Entries, count;
	schar *Name;
	HPIENTRY *Base, *Entry;
    HPIITEM *li;
	Base = hi->E1;
	if (Base)
		Entries = (sint32 *) (HPIInfo->Directory + Base->CountOffset);
		Entries = (sint32 *) (HPIInfo->Directory + hi->hfd->H1.Start);
	EntryOffset = Entries + 1;
	Entry = (HPIENTRY *) (HPIInfo->Directory + *EntryOffset);
	for (count = 0; count < *Entries; count++) {
		Name = HPIInfo->Directory + Entry->NameOffset;
		FileCount = (sint32 *) (HPIInfo->Directory + Entry->CountOffset);
		FileLength = FileCount + 1;
		li = (HPIITEM *)GetMem(sizeof(HPIITEM), 1);
		li->hfd = hi->hfd;
		li->Name = Name;
		li->E1 = Entry;
		if (Entry->Flag == 1) 
			li->Size = 0;
			li->IsDir = 1;
			li->Size = *FileLength;
			li->IsDir = 0;
		if (Entry->Flag == 1)	
			std::string sDir = cDir;
			cDir += (char *)Name;
			cDir += "\\";
			ProcessSubDir( li );
			cDir = sDir;

		} else {
			std::string f = cDir + (char *)Name;
			m_Archive[f] = li; // memory leak here FIX!!!

void  cHPIHandler::ProcessRoot(HPIFILEDATA *hfd, const std::string &StartPath, sint32 offset )
	sint32 *Entries, *FileCount, *EntryOffset;
	schar *Name;
	std::string MyPath;

	HPIInfo = hfd;

	Entries = (sint32 *)(hfd->Directory + offset);
	EntryOffset = Entries + 1;
	HPIENTRY *Entry = (HPIENTRY *)(hfd->Directory + *EntryOffset);

	for( sint32 count = 0; count < *Entries; count++ ) 
		Name = hfd->Directory + Entry->NameOffset;
		FileCount = (sint32 *) (hfd->Directory + Entry->CountOffset);
		if (Entry->Flag == 1)	
			MyPath = StartPath;
			if( MyPath.length() )
				MyPath += "\\";
			MyPath += (char *)Name;
			cDir = MyPath + "\\";

		//	printf( "%s\n", MyPath.c_str() );

			HPIITEM *hi = (HPIITEM *)GetMem(sizeof(HPIITEM), 1);
			hi->hfd = hfd;
			hi->IsDir = 1;
			hi->Size = 0;
			hi->Name = Name;
			hi->E1 = Entry;
			ProcessSubDir( hi );

// start new code.
void cHPIHandler::AddArchive( const std::string &FileName )

	if (!hfd) 
		return; // No Need to generate error here as getmem already did it.

	hfd->HPIFileName = FileName;
	errno_t err;
	if( (err = fopen_s( &hfd->HPIFile, hfd->HPIFileName.c_str(), "rb" )) != 0 )
//		GlobalDebugger-> Failed to open hpi file for reading.

	fread(&hv, sizeof(HPIVERSION), 1, hfd->HPIFile);
	if( hv.Version != HPI_V1 || hv.HPIMarker != HEX_HAPI )
		// No need to generate error I don't think, just wasn't an
		//   hpi archive we were interested in, possibly packed with
		//   version 2, or was a save file.
		hfd = NULL;

	fread(&hfd->H1, sizeof(HPIHEADER), 1, hfd->HPIFile);
	if (hfd->H1.Key)
		hfd->Key = ~((hfd->H1.Key * 4)	| (hfd->H1.Key >> 6));
		hfd->Key = 0;

	int start = hfd->H1.Start;
	int size = hfd->H1.DirectorySize;
	hfd->Directory = (sint8 *)GetMem(size, 1);
	HPIInfo = hfd;
	ReadAndDecrypt(start, (byte *)hfd->Directory + start, size - start);
	cDir = "";

	ProcessRoot(hfd, "", start);

void cHPIHandler::LocateAndReadFiles( const std::string &Path, const std::string &FileSearch )
	al_ffblk search;

	if( al_findfirst(FileSearch.c_str(), &search, FA_RDONLY | FA_ARCH ) ==0 )
			AddArchive( Path + );
		} while( al_findnext( &search ) == 0 );


void cHPIHandler::SearchDirForArchives( const std::string &Path )
	schar ext[4][6] = { "*.ufo", "*.hpi", "*.ccx", "*.gp3" };

	for( uint32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		LocateAndReadFiles( Path, Path + (char *)ext[i] );


void cHPIHandler::ShowArchive()

	for(HPIARCHIVE::iterator iter = m_Archive.begin(); iter != m_Archive.end(); iter++)
		printf( "(arch)%s\n", (*iter).first.c_str() );


unsigned char *cHPIHandler::PullFromHPI( const std::string &FileName )
	HPIARCHIVE::const_iterator iterFind = m_Archive.find( FileName );

	if( iterFind != m_Archive.end() )
		HPIITEM *hi = hi = iterFind->second;

		return DecodeFileToMem( hi );

	return NULL;
I'll now wait for the latest source releases before contininug. My next goals for next week will include a global debugger, perhaps implementing new sound/music support via discuessed fmod, and perhaps serveral class optionations to other areas, as well i'll work on finishing this ta3d_hpi.cpp file, and a few others.

Unless zuff or someone else specifically assings me to another element, I plan on keeping slowly rewritting most of the engine to be cpp complain and optomizing. Since we now have platform specific typecasing I also plan on enahcing win32 support and perhaps adding a feature or two myself if its cool with the team.


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Post by zuzuf » Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:20 pm

You can add features if you want, if it doesn't please everybody we can make them options (like I should have done with lines under aircrafts)
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Post by Cire » Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:52 pm

Chages to stdafx.h

Under the Lowercase function insert this.

Code: Select all

	// Cire: Useful malloc operation.
	void *GetMem( sint32 size, sint32 zero )
		void *result;

		if( zero )
			result = calloc( size, 1 );
			result = malloc( size );

		if( !result )
		GlobalDebugger->Failed to alloc memory for hpi
		return result; 
We probably should start moving those outa stdafx and into a file on its own, perhaps in a 'UTILS' namespace? For now till we add a few more we will leave them there.

This function really just make allocating memory alot easier to do, the Zero argument allows the 'zeroing' of allocated memory.


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